Using Lines in Design

Did you know you can use lines in interior design to help define the space and create a sense of direction, depth, size and even mood?

Straight lines are the more dominant lines in interior design and each have different effects.

Horizontal lines widen narrow spaces and bring the eye level down to create intimacy and feelings of stability. They tend to create width and lower the ceiling of the space and tend to look quite contemporary. Picture a narrow kitchen with wooden floor planks, if you lay them across the narrow edge you will create a sense of width in the space, making the room feel bigger.

The opposite effect can be created with vertical lines which help to make rooms seem taller and narrower, suggesting height and strength. These lines draw your eye upwards and therefore appear more formal. Clever tricks can be used with vertical lines to help a room feel taller than it is. Painting a chimney breast in an accent colour from floor to ceiling will give the illusion of height and make a ceiling feel higher than it is.

And finally diagonal lines suggests movement, direction and therefore freedom, when used correctly they bring a space to life. Their use can direct the eye upwards or downwards and giving the sense a space is larger than it is.

If you can get your head around those three you can then learn to combine the them and have even more fun!

What shape lines will work best in your home?
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