How To Test Paint Samples

How many times have you tested paint colour after paint colour until you find the perfect colour for your room, to only find it looks nothing like you expected when you painted the whole wall?

It may be reassuring to know you are not alone in this experience! Colours look different in different rooms and even on different walls in the same room, light and time of day depending. So, I thought I’d give you a few tips on how to test paint samples to make sure you find the best colour for your walls.

  1. Always buy the paint samples for your short list of colours, the paint itself can look so different on the wall compared to the swatches in the shop or even pinned to your wall. Paint samples are a relatively inexpensive investment compared to picking the wrong paint.
  2. Make sure your sample is in the finish you intend to use, eg, if painting the room in a matte finish ensure the sample is the same (tip, the shiner the paint you use the more you will see in the imperfections on the wall!)
  3. It is best to short list around 3 shade samples, this way you can see how the undertone makes a difference. The more you pick the harder your choice will be!
  4. Paint the samples directly onto the wall not on white boards or paper stuck to the wall. This is because the texture is different on board to the wall finish and so the colour will dry differently.
  5. Test your sample on an area of a least 30cm x 30 cm with a small space between each sample. Apply two coats with a good brush or roller. Bear in mind colour will appear darker if painted onto a light wall and lighter when against a dark wall, so if you paint your samples closer together this illusion will be minimised.
  6. Paint samples on multiple walls, at least two, one wall that gets lots of light. Check the samples when dry and at different times of the day, paying the most attention to the time of day you would be using the room. If you can also look at the samples on a bright sunny day and cloudy rainy day.
  7. Select your flooring colour first and have a sample to hold up to compare with your samples.
  8. Sleep on it and take your time making your decision.

If you are still not sure which is the best colour then I have a package to help you.
+44 7740 720301